
About Us

Find out who’s behind Tee Hee Hee and why.

About Us

Tee Hee Hee was founded by Koert & Marek, two life-long friends with a shared passion for funny T-shirts (among other things).  With the Tee Hee Hee brand, the two wanted to create not just funny T-shirts, but also T-shirts that make you think about what you see and hear . 

Yes, Tee Hee Hee Shirts may be provocative and they may even upset you. But in the end, we hope they also make you smile. 

Not just for laughs

What’s better than a funny T-shirt? A funny T-shirt that also supports a good cause. That’s why a portion of the profit of each shirt goes to charity. 

We don't know who this is.

This woman came with the template. She is in no way affiliated to Tee Hee Hee. Not to our knowledge, at least. Cool glasses, though. Too bad about the unfunny shirt. Should’ve had a joke on it of some sort. Ah well, can’t win them all, I guess.